SPHSC 563 Instructional Development Forum

Individual Teaching Assignment

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Individual Teaching Assignment Description

Task: Find Current Research and Lead a Discussion.  Identify a topic on teaching/learning at the college/university level that you would like to research.  This assignment can be about any topic related to teaching.  It should not only interest you, but be relevant to your current or future TA duties.  Use the topics on the course schedule to guide your selection. Topics not on the syllabus are up for consideration.  You should explore various resources, including the CIDR library, to identify relevant research about your topic.  You are to identify two scholarly articles/chapters that address pertinent, state-of-the art research about your topic.  These articles/chapters will serve as the content for your presentation to the class and for leading a class discussion the following week. Your presentation should include scholarly data when available.  Based on the presentation of material that you discover, you will lead a discussion as a means to encourage other perspectives.  You should employ techniques that we discuss in class or that you have learned elsewhere in presenting the new information and in leading the discussion.

Requirements:  1) Presentation, 2) Discussion, 3) Submission of article for posting as PDF on the SPHSC TA web site.

Grading: Above average, average, below average    CR/NC

Due Dates:  You will be assigned two dates.  You may present one session and lead the discussion on the second session, or you may combine the two.  I will leave this up to you.  Good pedagogy is the goal.  Should you wish to combine the presentation and discussion, then you will have the responsibility of notifying the class of the exact date for the class meeting.